Quick Overview 

Nature's mood ring, grading air health from serene blues to cautionary reds. It quantifies airborne pollutants, offering a tangible gauge for breathable skies.

AQI measurement 

AQI is measured by monitoring various air pollutants such as particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), O3, NO2), SO2, and CO.

Good AQI

A good AQI typically falls in the range of 0 to 50, indicating clean air with minimal health risks.

Hazards of a poor AQI

A poor AQI can lead to several health issues including asthma and bronchitis & cardiovascular problems.

Preventive Measures

Preventive steps include avoiding strenuous outdoor activities, staying hydrated, and following local air quality advisories for updates and recommendations.

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How AQI can be improved ?

Cutting emissions from vehicles, industries, shifting to cleaner energy, promoting electric vehicles, enforcing stricter pollution controls may help in improving AQI.

Our Responsibility

To contribute to cleaner air personally: Use public transport, carpool, bike, or walk; save energy, use eco-friendly appliances, recycle& plant trees.