Know the best possible ways to improve your gut health.

By: Mittal M. 23 May, 24

Published on : Vigyan Corner

Quick Overview 

Ai is a fast growing and booming sector, with time and advancements in research scientists are able to develop different aspects of its uses


Atomic AI refers to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of atomic-scale manufacturing or manipulation.


By utilizing the power of AI algorithms and techniques, researchers and engineers can now deep dive into the insights of matter at its fundamental level.

Developmental Aspects

The development of Atomic AI means huge change as far as AI and nanotechnology world is concerned. These two fields have made a major leap in their respective ways.

Use-case in Nanotechnology

Atomic AI stands as the access card that enables one to unlock a field in which the construction of matter and structure at a given atomic level can be achieved.

Use-case in quantum computing

Atomic AI enables us to manage these subterranean quantum states directly, and paving the way forward to a new realm of computational capabilities.

Use-case in drug discovery

Atomic AI enhances the depth of the findings helping the researchers identify specific compounds with much higher preference using atomic-level information.

Challenges & Limitations

There are technical challenges that await participants starting from nanotechnology and ending with hurdles related to manipulating atoms.

Ethical Considerations

The ethical question has a far-reaching implication. While people disassemble the material world into its smallest particles, the issues of guilt and blame arise.