Quick Overview 

There are methods to get more engaging and beneficial outcomes from ChatGPT, even though you can just type anything you want and have it understand you.

Obtain Your Responses in Tabular Format

ChatGPT offers a table-based answer system, which is particularly beneficial for obtaining knowledge or inspiration.

Handle Information Lists

ChatGPT can respond to typed lists of information in various ways, such as creating anagrams, sorting products, or converting items to uppercase.

Limit the responses you receive.

ChatGPT's impressive capabilities can be enhanced by setting specific word or paragraph limits for its responses.

Remember Your Audience  

ChatGPT can be adjusted by identifying its intended audience, which explain complex subjects to individuals with varying understanding levels.

Paste Text from Other Sources and Copy It  

ChatGPT allows users to easily split text into sections, allowing them to remember previous messages, despite the input limit of 4,000 words.

Give Workable Examples 

To enhance ChatGPT's responses, provide data like book genres or activities you enjoy, and ask for the correct genre label for new summary suggestions.