The 8 main reasons of sleep insomnia

By: Mittal M. 20 May, 24

Published on : Vigyan Corner

Quick Overview 

Insomnia, affecting 35% of adults, is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulties in getting, staying, and maintaining sleep, leading to severe health issues.


Stress, including work, school, and social relationships, can lead to hyperarousal and insomnia, causing difficulty in breaking the cycle.

Irregular sleep schedules

Circadian rhythm, an internal clock, can be disrupted by sleep schedules like jet lag and shift work, leading to insomnia and difficulty in sleep timing.


Unhealthy lifestyle habits and food and drink routines can increase insomnia risk.

Mental Health Disorder

Mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder often lead to insomnia, affecting 40% of insomnia sufferers.

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Physical Pain

Pain can disrupt sleep, especially in bed, and if you suffer from it, choose a mattress with good pressure relief.


Sleep problems and insomnia can occur due to side effects of medications like blood pressure, asthma, and antidepressants, as well as withdrawal or other body reactions.

Neurological Disorders

Neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, including dementia and ADHD, can disrupt sleep patterns.


Insomnia affects 23.8% of teens and 30-48% of older adults, with teens experiencing a later, "night owl" sleep schedule due to stress.