These 8 points will tell the real power of antimatter 

By: Mittal M. 25 May, 24

Published on : Vigyan Corner

Quick Overview 

A rare and opposite case of matter that seems to be impossible to exist, but now a reality that is formed by scientists in laboratory.


Antimatter is the opposite of matter with constituting particles as antiparticles.

Energy Density

Possessing an extraordinary energy density, when antimatter collide with matter they annihilate each other.

Efficient Energy Source

Theoretically the most efficient energy source known with 100% conversion rate in to energy.

Forms in particle accelerators

Antimatter can be formed in particles accelerators, where high energy collision between particles results in creation of antiparticles.

Natural Occurence

Antimatter may also get formed in some radioactive decays and some cosmic events, such as cosmic rays entering Earth's atmosphere.

Storage a challenge

Storing antimatter is challenging because it annihilates as soon as it comes in contact with matter.

Production Cost

With a lot of serious challenges the production of antimatter is highly costly, with an estimated cost of 62.5 trillion dollars per gram.

Potential Medical Use

Upon successful and cost effective production, this particle has immense potential to be used for clear and detailed imaging of human body.

Futuristic Fuel

Although far and unachievable with  current technology  antimatter can be the next fuel for spacecrafts and for powering countries.