Know the potential benefits of intermittent fasting in these 8 points

By: Mittal M. 22 May, 24

Published on : Vigyan Corner

Quick Overview 

In recent times Intermittent fasting has gained popularity for its potential health benefits. Here are the major ones supported by research.

8.    Weight Loss and Fat Loss

IF restricts calorie intake which in turn leads to fat burn and weight loss.

7.   Improved Metabolic Health

By regulating insulin levels and enhancing glucose metabolism, IF may help prevent metabolic syndrome

6.   Enhanced Brain Function

According to some studies IF supports cognitive function and protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

5.   Increased Autophagy

IF promotes removal of damaged components & enhances regeneration and repair process. This thing is also related to ageing.

4.   Heart Health

It reduces the risk factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol levels. These effects can lower the likelihood of developing heart disease and stroke.

3.   Longevity

IF can extend lifespan by activating cellular repair mechanisms, improving metabolic health, and reducing the risk of age-related diseases.

2.  Improved Gut Health

IF positively influence gut health by promoting a healthy gut microbiome, reducing inflammation, and improving digestive function.

1.   Enhanced Athletic Performance

Fasting may increase fat utilization for energy, improve endurance, and stimulate the production of human growth hormone, which supports muscle growth and repair.