The 8 main reasons of Heat waves

By: Mittal M. 21 May, 24

Published on : Vigyan Corner

Quick Overview 

Heat waves pose health, agriculture, and infrastructure risks, exacerbated by urbanization and climate change. These are the reasons of heat waves.

High Pressure Systems

When high-pressure systems stall over a region, causing sinking air and inhibiting cloud formation, leading to increased temperatures due to heat trapping near the surface.

Clear skies

Clear skies during heat waves are common due to high-pressure systems, allowing solar radiation to reach Earth's surface, contributing to heat buildup.

Urban Heat Island Effect

Due to human activities and heat-absorbing materials like asphalt and concrete, which can amplify during heat waves, leading to even hotter conditions.

Drought Conditions

Drought leads to drier soil conditions, reducing soil moisture and vegetation, which can increase air temperatures during heat waves due to efficient solar radiation absorption.

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Climate change

Climate change leads to increased heatwave frequency, intensity, and duration, amplifying natural weather patterns, making extreme heat events more common and severe.

Absence of cloud cover

Heat waves, often characterized by clear skies and minimal cloud cover, allow solar radiation to reach Earth's surface, leading to the accumulation of heat over time.

Advection of warm air

Heat waves can be intensified by the horizontal movement of warm air masses, which can originate from arid or subtropical regions and enter warm regions.

Geographical features

Topographical features like valleys or basins can exacerbate heat wave effects by trapping hot air and inhibiting airflow, resulting in localized hotspots in larger regions.