What is Computational Neuroscience ? | Everything explained | 8 questions answered

What is Computational Neuroscience

“What is computational neuroscience?” is a question that often interests curious minds. Imagine an amazing fusion of computers and brains, where the sophisticated dance of neurons meets the computational power of algorithms. Computational neuroscience, to put it simply, is the science of employing computing power to solve mysterious brain phenomena. Consider converting the mysteries of

Mixed Reality | Why the New future ?

Mixed Reality | Just a concept, or the future ?

The next big thing in computing, after smartphones, PCs, and mainframes, is mixed reality. It frees us from experiences confined to screens by enabling natural interactions with data in social settings and living quarters. The most popular mixed reality app on social media is mobile AR; however, Windows Mixed Reality elevates the experience with its

How smart transportation will reshape future

Smart Transportation

In this evolving landscape of 21st century, the fusion of technology in transportation is giving rise to a new era of mobility, the smart transportation. The key catalyst behind this change is the advent of smart transportation systems – a confluence of cutting-edge technologies that promise to redefine the way we move, connect, and experience

Why is Social Media Detox Needed? | How to do it?

What is Social Media Detox? How to detox from it?

In a time when notifications and scrolling through digital feeds are all-consuming, the idea of a social media detox has become a lifesaver for people who need a break from the overwhelming world of the internet. As the digital world keeps changing, so do the difficulties brought on by its pervasiveness, leading people to reevaluate

Time Dilation | Facts Explained

everything about time dilation

Time dilation, a phenomenon predicted by Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, challenges our conventional understanding of time as a constant and universal entity. This mind-bending concept suggests that time is not an absolute measure but is, in fact, relative to the observer’s motion and gravitational field. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating

Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi: The Battle for Internet Supremacy!

Light Fidelity, or Li-Fi, is a cutting-edge wireless communication technology that has the potential to completely change how we communicate in our ever-digital world. Visible light is used by Li-Fi to transport data, as opposed to radio frequency transmissions, which are used by traditional Wi-Fi. Li-Fi essentially entails the fast modulation of light emitted by

A complete meditation guide for 2024

Greetings from the peaceful world of meditation, a discipline that transports us from the cacophony of our daily existence to a calm haven within our own self. With its straightforward yet deep path to inner serenity and clarity, meditation acts as a kind guide in a world where distractions abound and pace appears unending. All